Sunday, September 29, 2013

Cyril & Didier's Paris in New Haven

I've sad it before but I'll say it again. J'adore les mariages photographier. I love photographing weddings!

These two wonderful men celebrated their marriage together on September 21, 2013 with their daughter Emilie and small gathering of close friends. Many whom traveled from France to share their love and support for the couple. 

The day couldn't have gone any smoother. Even with friends crowding their small apartment the excitement was high and the french was flowing. I have to admit I know very little french but I was still just smiling from ear to ear with the little bit I could pick out. I felt right at home with Cyril, Didier, Emilie and their friends. It was truly a beautiful day to be a wedding photographer. 

Every part of the day was filled with details to make their wedding unique to them from the colors of their shirts and Didier's shoes, purple, Emilie's favorite color, to the Parisian style table settings that decorated the restaurant. 

What a treat to be able to photograph in the beautiful Roia Restaurant in Downtown New Haven. They did such a lovely job decorating and accommodating the group. I can't wait to go there myself for dinner. 

 FĂ©licitations pour de nombreuses annĂ©es plus merveilleux ensemble.