Saturday, October 3, 2009

I Love my job

There are always those days where you don't want to go to work. But lately for me, that's not the case. Every time I go off to shoot wedding, portrait or Bar/Bat Mitzvah I get So excited. Sometimes it's just the act of getting ready that's not fun. I soon find out on my drive to the event or once I pick up my camera that I really do love it. It's great to be surrounded by happy people and a part of these special events & moments.
A few weeks ago I was on my way to shoot a portrait and it was like the gray clouds parted and let the sunshine through. All of a sudden I was just so happy to be going to work. It really was one of those moments you read about or see in the movies. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining and I had my rose colored glasses on. Life just couldn't be better. And just in case you were wondering the shoot was awesome.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Baby Love

Little Love here was a brand new two week old at the time of this shoot. What a good little model she was. I can't wait until our next shoot together.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

shannon & mike

A few of my favorites from last weekends wedding.

Monday, July 20, 2009

My web site is finished!

Thank you for visiting my new web site and coming to my blog.
I've got all sorts of new ideas that I hope to accompany my new web site.
Stop by again soon for new image postings and to see what I'm up to.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Little One

A little cutie from a recent photo shoot.